James Wasmuth, Ph.D.

Department of Comparative Biology and Experimental Medicine
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary
Room HSC 2513
3330 Hospital Drive
Calgary, AB T2N 4N1

Email: jwasmuth@ucalgary.ca
Website: http://www.compsysbio.org/lab/?q=james

Research Interests:
My work focuses on using genome sequences to better understand the evolution of parasitism. My current foci are: 1) the evolution of large gene families, in particular surface antigens, and 2) using population genomics to understand species diversity. My background includes working with both helminths and apicomplexans (e.g. Toxoplasma & Plasmodium).

Keywords: Nematodes, Toxoplasma, genomics, bioinformatics.

Recent Publications:

Elsworth B, Wasmuth J & Blaxter M. 2011. NEMBASE4: the nematode transcriptome resource. Int J Parasitol in press.

Hung S, Wasmuth J, Sanford C & Parkinson J. 2010. DETECT - A Density Estimation Tool for Enzyme ClassificaTion and its application to Plasmodium falciparum. Bioinformatics, 26:1690-1698.

Wasmuth J, Daub J, Peregrín-Alvarez J-M, Finney C & Parkinson J. 2009. The origins of apicomplexan sequence innovation. Genome Research, 19(7):1202-13.

Wasmuth J, Schmid R, Hedley A & Blaxter M. 2008. On the extent and origins of genic novelty in the Phylum Nematoda. PLoS Neglected Tropical Disease, 2(7): e258